I ignored this brew for quite some time, thinking that I’d already tried it and that it was no good. My parents even bought me a few bottles and I was all secretly put out since why would they buy me bad root beer. Well they were buying me new root beer. What I’d had was Berghoff Famous Root Beer which if you followed the link will notice has a different label and slightly different name. It also has different ingredients and nutritional info, which I only found out when I dug out that bottle to write the long overdue post on it. I’m sorry Mom and Dad, you knew what you were doing all along. Clearly the people at Berghoff realized they had a poor brew on their hands and set about to remedy it. Despite having reviewed 260+ root beers at this point, this still has some new ingredients including ethyl alcohol and triethyl citrate. They must not put much alcohol in it because it sells as a soda and doesn’t list an alcohol percentage on the side. I’m going with it’s perfectly legit for all ages, creeds, religions, etc.
The Body is sweet and caramely with a good sassafras flavor and some vanilla undertones. But, something seems a little out of place, some faint thing under the surface. The Bite is pretty good with some cinnamon that doesn’t overpower. The Head is adequate, medium height and frothiness. The Aftertaste is vanilla and some cinnamon and that little something-not-quite-right. That doesn’t ruin it, but it does take it down a notch.
I’m thinking that maybe the whole out of place flavor was the ethyl alcohol. But who knows, it could have been any of the “natural flavorings” or that triethyl citrate. It is better than the previous Berhoff Famous Root Beer, so there’s that. See how it rates against other root beers.