I’m not sure if this is really that famous. It clearly says famous on the label, but other than the online site I bought this from, I’ve never seen nor heard about it. A&W I’d call a famous root beer, but Berghoff? I suppose it really boils down to what you define as famous and maybe they are in the region they’re from. There’s a very small “Chicago’s” written vertically in front of the famous which makes me wonder if it should be called Berghoff Chicago’s Famous Root Beer. The famous and the root beer are the same font so they clearly go together. This brew is also Old Fashioned and Draft Style, which are two cliches that really have no meaning in the root beer world as pretty much everyone uses them and there is no consistency between the root beers that do. I got this back in the late 1990’s in one of the first variety packs I ordered. No particular reason, I just needed to try it. It’s from a microbrewery Chicago who, like many others, developed it during prohibition.
It has a very sweet Body. It also had a nice Bite to it. The Head however was awful, almost none. The Aftertaste started out nice, but then turned icky and left a bad flavor in my mouth for quite some time.
This was almost drinkable on account of of the Body, but the Head and Aftertaste sealed its fate. Close, but not quite. For something as “bleh” as this, I really have to wonder again about the whole “Famous” part. See how it rates against other root beers.