May 292019

A packet of Reed's Individually Wrapped Root Beer CandiesReed's candy

Reed’s Candy was started in 1893 by William and Eugene Reed in Chicago. They made butterscotch candy rolls at first and at one point in the early 1920s they were the largest manufacturer of butterscotch candy in the USA. Since nothing lasts forever, the brand fell in popularity and went bankrupt in the 1980s only to be resurrected two years later. They still produce four of their classic flavors today, including these root beer ones. These are different from your standard candy rolls (life savers) in that they are individually wrapped. They also aren’t flat discs, but bulge in the middle like discuses which I must say is a first for me.

It’s a sweet, standard tasting root beer candy. A little wintergreen is noticeable but it isn’t strong. It’s my favorite root beer candy profile, and tastes very similar to all of the other standard ones.

So yeah, it’s a yummy root beer hard candy. Much like the rest. I’m finding that there is significantly less diversity in flavor profiles of these candies as there is with actual root beers. So do I still recommend this? Yeah, it’s good. And if you really like that discus shape, like maybe you were a discus thrower or something, this might be just the perfect root beer candy for you.

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