Feb 222017

North Star Craft Soda Root Beer BottleAnother brew received in trade from that great root beer lover Tony. This comes out of Minnesota, if you couldn’t guess by the large silhouette of the state on the label. I’m not sure why the only star on the label happens to be on the south eastern corner of said state and not the north as the name would suggest. Another root beer mystery for the ages. Like why they had to use so many different fonts, or underline all of the ‘o’s. It is bottled by Whistler. It appears that this is just a different brand from the same company. The main point of this is non-returnable bottles as opposed to Whistler’s returnable bottles. Evidently, this is “crafted in teeny batches”. How small a batch does it have to be to qualify as teeny? A couple of bottles? A couple of cases? A couple of pallets? Either way, it doesn’t sound like they make much of this at a time. They also use “super filtered water” which is another term that’s as ambiguous as it is uncommon. It’s also made by a “handful” of people. I shudder to think what their recipe is like. Perhaps a bit of sugar, a tad of sassafras, a smidgen of cinnamon (it is a teeny batch after all).

The Body is sort of sour and fruity with a generic creamy root beer flavor. It has a Bite that is sour and sharp, which is not what I like. The Two-Second-Head doesn’t help it either. The Aftertaste is some nice vanilla with a slightly fruity tinge.

This root beer just fails to impress in every category. I wouldn’t drink it again and neither should you, but I will say that it is an improvement over the original Whistler, albeit much more generic. See how it rates against other root beers.

2.5/5 Root Beer Kegs

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