Every so often there comes a time when people need to band together to change the world, one of those times is now. For over 100 years Hires Root Beer, the original root beer, has been offered to the public for their root beer enjoyment. In recent years however, Hires has receded dramatically in distribution. Worse than that, however, is the fact that it is no longer offered in glass bottles.
The advantages of glass bottles are many, including:
- Tradition
- Infinitely Reusable
- Infinitely Recyclable
- Longer Shelf Life
- Better Taste
- Especially Better Taste
For some root beers, this is not a problem, for the Original Root Beer, the Father of all Root Beers, this is a disgraceful shame that must be changed. I, the Root Beer Gourmet, therefore have taken it upon myself to start a petition to correct this problem. Please follow the link below and tell Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, the owners of the Hires brand, that we, the root beer connoisseurs of the world, demand better, we demand Hires Root Beer in glass!
Petition Link, Please Click and Sign
I have asked them to set me up as a producer of Hires in longneck bottles with cane sugar; if they ever want to give me the OK I’ll be on it, full speed ahead! So far it’s been over 5 years and I’m still waiting… but still interested!
Sign the petition and spread the word, this may be the kick they finally need! Do you have the email address of the contact you spoke with? We could have a copy of the petition sent there.
I know this is an old comment, but I’ve been trying to find Hires myself. I’m not sure if you’re talking about Dr Pepper manufacturing in bottles or Big H, but Dr. Pepper has been winding down production. They’ve pretty much killed it off. And in my long search I can’t find anyplace that still sells it in cans even. Only way it can be gotten now is either buying from Big H or other stands that managed to continue making it, or buying the Hires Big H syrup sold through Amazon. So you’d have to figure out a way of selling a Big H’s version