Aug 092017

Pint of Powerhouse Brewery Root BeerAs some of you may know, I’m moving soon. That’s right, I’m turning my back on this Evergreen home of mine and heading back East-ish to the land of 10,000 lakes. Also the land of pretty freaking sweet brewery root beers. So before I embark I needed to hit up the last few breweries in this area lest I be consumed by root beer regret for the rest of my days. And thus last Saturday, after much laziness and indecisiveness, I piled the family in the car and off we went on the 50 minute drive south to Puyallup to the Powerhouse Brewery. This has been the one I’ve wanted to try the most around here. It’s built in an old Puget Power brick substation and is decorated with insulators and other power systems equipment. This is essentially the perfect place for a power engineer/root beer reviewer (of which there are not many I’m sure). So how is this perfect for me brew?

The Body is sweet with a fruity tinge, accented by a some vanilla and a little dark licorice. It’s rather bland though. The Bite is pretty mild and lacking in both spice and carbonation. There isn’t much Head either. The Aftertaste is faint licorice but it isn’t strong.

Oh what a shame! It’s bland and fruity-ish and altogether not something I’d like to go and drink on a regular basis or ever for that matter. I get that a lot around here, unfortunately. I ordered some wings to go with the root beer and they were pretty good. The place is worth a visit for sure, but not for the root beer.

2 out of 5 root beer kegs

The Powerhouse Brewery.

The Powerhouse Brewery.

Some of the inside decor.

Some of the inside decor.

More of the decor.

More of the decor.

A cool display with old power engineering books.

A cool display with old power engineering books.

A cool Jacob's ladder that would turn on periodically.

A cool Jacob’s ladder that would turn on periodically.