Oct 172012

Just look at that root beer. What class! A tall 22 oz wine bottle sealed with red wax. It is small batch brewed and you can only buy it in the Hamptons. Of course such a fancy and high class bottle, with a name like Miss Lady, features an elegant woman clad in a flowing white lace dress holding a parasol, right? Wrong! You’d think that’s what it’d have, but as you can see it’s an old wrinkly dog there instead. Really? A dog? I mean, you went to all of that work and then put a dog on your label, like so many others have? And not even a snooty rich people dog like a poodle but a wrinkly pug? I must say that I’m disappointed. Other than the label picture though, this is pretty cool. They even hand write what bottle number you purchase (I got 315 and 316 in case you were wondering) so this is a really exclusive brew. It’s all natural as well. All of that coolness doesn’t come cheap though, it’ll cost you $6 a bottle and that’s before shipping. Or you can go to some farmers markets in the Hamptons (you do have a summer home there, right?) and skip the shipping. I must say that I was excited to try this, as well as a little concerned, since I like to always recap the empty bottle and make it look as close to as it was before I opened it. The whole wax seal presented a new and unique challenge. As you can see though, I didn’t do half bad.

This has a very light Body with mild honey and sarsaparilla flavors. There’s the slightest hint of licorice as well but really the whole thing is very subtle. It isn’t overly sweet either. It reminds me of an herb tea sweetened with a little honey. There is a small Bite that’s a little prickly, but it isn’t very strong. the Head is nothing special. There’s nothing on the way of spice burn either. The Aftertaste is honey and anise that doesn’t linger very long.

So another herb tea root beer eh? It’s not the first one I’ve had from New York, nor the best I might add. What is it with them over there? Maybe such light, refreshing, herbal brews are more common in that region than I know. It isn’t bad, and I do enjoy drinking it if it were called something else. It has a lot of the right flavors but not a lot of them, sadly. A cold carbonated herb tea is not what I would reach for when I want a root beer. See how it rates against other root beers.