Mar 222017

Harvey & Vern's Olde Fashioned Root Beer Bottle Once upon a time there was a farmer from Quyon, Quebec named Harvey. Upon a slightly different yet partially overlapping time there was a doctor from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia named Vern. They both lived in simpler, all natural times and enjoyed soda. “Then one day they met and decided to make root beer,” would be the logical conclusion of the story but it isn’t. They never met. But Harvey’s grandson married Vern’s daughter. He owned the Kichesippi Beer Company and decided to make Ginger Beer and Cream Soda that are all natural with locally sourced ingredients that would take one back to the two different but similar yesteryears that both Harvey and Vern kind of simultaneously enjoyed. He put it in painted bottles as well. Sometime thereafter he added root beer to the mix, and I got interested. But not living in Canada, I had to trade with the awesome Akira.

The Body is sweet and creamy with sarsaparilla and vanilla flavors and a little wintergreen. The Bite is pretty good with cinnamon featuring prominently though not burning. The Head is most excellent. Pour with care. The Aftertaste is some vanilla and bitter wintergreen. The bitter lingers too long, unfortunately, so it increases the more you drink, ruining an otherwise pleasant experience.

This is almost the standard creamy root beer with sarsaparilla flavor instead of sassafras. I do like it other than the bitter at the end. It’s definitely worth having every now and then. See how it rates against other root beers.

Three and a half kegs