Jul 122017

Dad-Gum-It! Butterscotch Root Beer Bottle Another brew from Rocket Fizz. Those makers of strangely themed craft sodas are at it again, this time, rather than go all celebrity themed, they decided to go hunting themed. Finally, a root beer that embraces the most glorious sport and pastime that is hunting. But you can tell that they are true hunters, for they’ve named it Dad-Gum-It! in a clear reference to a frustrated bird hunter. Who’s name is Ryan if the hat is to be believed. I’ve been there Ryan, more times than I care to admit, after burning through all three shots at a single pheasant flying straight away from me. How could I have missed? When just yesterday I was able to shoot quail. QUAIL! They’re like a quarter of the size and move faster. How could I have missed something so much bigger and slower?!? Dad-Gum-It! … well anyways, root beer. And butterscotch root beer. I do like me some butterscotch. Will this be the Seal of Approval brew to console my crushed ego after future bird hunting failures?

The Body is dark and spicy with licorice featuring prominently and some wintergreen as well. I also taste a distinct lack of butterscotch. The Bite is solid and strong from spices and ample carbonation, a little too strong. The Head is excellent! It’s there as long as you drink it (within reason). The Aftertaste is a little wintergreen and licorice. Also, no butterscotch.

Dad-gum-it! They tricked me. I was promised butterscotch. Maybe that’s the whole message of this brew. That what you really want will escape you. Ryan, for all his prowess, was unable to get his birds just like Rocket Fizz, despite their vast collection of soda ingredients, was unable to actually put butterscotch into the root beer. In the end all you’re left with is bitter dissappointment, much like a failed hunting trip. I don’t recommend either. See how it rates against other root beers.

2.5/5 Root Beer Kegs