Nov 052011

Wow! That’s quite a name and an assertion they’ve got going. I mean, you’ll get old time root beers, and draft root beers, and even the occasional quality root beer, but more than one of those three on the same title? And not only that but all three no less. Well, it has been in continuous business for almost 90 years. If they haven’t changed the recipe at all then it would be old time. It must be of some quality in order to stay around for that long. Draft, well, I’ll see about that.

This is a very sweet medium Bodied brew that tastes like a root beer barrel candy. There is a hint of something kind of icky and out of place though. There are also some spices which add to the Bite but it is very smooth. The Head is very nice. It has an excellent height and is pretty frothy. So it is draft a style head in my opinion (though I wouldn’t go so far as to call it draught), but I’ve seen better. The Aftertaste is a letdown. It isn’t really anything. There are the faintest traces of sugar and vanilla but it is nowhere near enough.

Overall it’s pretty good. They seem to come through with all that they claimed the root beer would be. The Aftertaste though is where they take the biggest hit. It makes sense though because they boast of how their root beer has been served at certain restaurants for over 50 years, and pairing this with food would cover up the deficiencies. See how it rates against other root beers.

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